Continuity Global Solutions (CGS) presents the following Policy Statements in accordance with our ISO/ASIS Certifications:
• Grievance Policy
• Whistleblower Policy
• Conformance Policy
• Conflict of Interest
• Code of Ethics
• Foreign Corrupt Conduct
• Human Rights Policy
• Combating Trafficking in Persons Supplier Code of Conduct (Pakistan)
Continuity Global Solutions is committed to managing our security operations and related business activities recognizing that providing reliable and professional security services and respecting the rights of our internal and external stakeholders are an integral part of our business and a core value. We provide our clients with safe, secure and reliable service to better manage risks associated with human, tangible and intangible assets. Continuity believes that a sound security operations management policy contributes to our competitive strength and benefits our clients, persons working on behalf of our organizations and other shareholders by contributing to the overall well-being of the communities we serve.
We will:
Promote compliance with the letter and spirit of all applicable legal, contractual and other requirements, including voluntary commitments to which our organizations subscribes. We will strive to promote continual improvements to enhance effectiveness and reduce the cost of compliance. We commit to abide by the principles and good practices of the:
ANSI/ASIS PSC.1 Management System for Quality of Private Security Company Operations – Requirements with guidance
ISO 18788 Management system for private security operations — Requirements with guidance for use
Montreux Document On Pertinent International Legal Obligations and Good Practices for States Related to Operations of Private Military and Security Companies During Armed Conflict (09/2008); and
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework 2011
Consider risk, security and human rights factors of our acquisitions, use and disposal of resources and materials, and supply chain arrangements when making planning, purchasing, and operating decisions.
Work continuously to improve the effectiveness of our security operations management, as well as being prepared for undesirable events and implement practices to assure continuity of operations, mitigate the impacts of an event, and adequately respond to impacted stakeholders. We will maintain resilience plans to minimize the risk of an undesirable or disruptive event and reduce the impact of such an event.
Provide appropriate human rights, use of force, security, weapons, safety, incident response, and resilience training to assure the competence of all persons working on our behalf in order to maintain the utmost level of professionalism at all times.
Monitor our security operations and human rights performance regularly through rigorous evaluations as well as review and update our security operations management system a minimum of once a year.
Seek to assess and minimize risks to our operations and communities in which we work, and support risk prevention and reduction by our clients, supply chain partners, sub-contractors, suppliers and impacted communities.
Promote security operations and human rights awareness and management of related risks throughout our operations, and by our clients, partners, suppliers, and all other relevant stakeholders.
Work cooperatively with others to further common security operations, risk management and human rights objectives.
Communicate and reinforce this policy throughout the company and to relevant stakeholders.
We will measure review our progress as best we can. We will continually seek opportunities to improve our adherence to these principles, and will periodically report progress to our stakeholders.
The Policy Statement:
- Is reviewed and re-approved annually by Steve Hartsuff, President and Chief Executive Officer, Continuity Global Solutions CGS;
- Is distributed to all persons working on behalf of our organization;
- Is provided, upon request, to internal and external stakeholders;