Statement of Policy
- General
- A person who informs on someone or puts a stop to something, or, makes a public disclosure of wrong doings within the Company, is referred to as a whistleblower. He could also be a person who has been deprived of his legal right whether material, intellectual or pertaining to norms and good practices causing him mental, physical or financial disturbance.
- Such a person can resort to raising ‘the issue’ through formal channels or anonymously. In either case he is entitled to protection under the Whistleblowers Protection Act 2015.
- Policy
- CONTINUITY commits itself to the protection of whistleblowers. CONTINUITY will not retaliate against an employee who in good faith, has made a protest or raised a complaint against any practice/official of CONTINUITY.
- Whistle blowers will be kept posted on actions taken on their complaints on a need to know basis
- Whistle Blowing Tools/ Means
- Town Hall Meetings. A Town Hall Meeting can be held in all stations providing opportunity to all employees to air their grievances, for whistleblowing or for giving suggestions.
- Suggestion Box. Suggestion boxes can be placed in stations at convenient spots to be utilized for dropping complaints. Boxes shall be emptied by HR administrator or person so appointed by Director HR / Regional Director.
- Direct Correspondence. A prospective whistleblower can also make direct correspondence with Director HR on following address:
- A complaint can be made on a simple piece of paper.
- Anonymous complaints will be reviewed.
- Proceedings
- Director of HR will hold a meeting attended by all relevant officials from concerned departments, HR will discuss the issue raised by the complainant.
- Cases of ‘emergent nature’ will be dealt with on a fast track.
- Decision taken will be intimated/implemented through command channels.
- Executive team will be briefed on a monthly basis about the points/suggestions/grievances received, actions initiated, and preventive measures taken.
- If appropriate, the point will be brought by Director of HR.