Continuity Global Solutions, LLC has announced it will send Chief Strategy Officer, Win Scheel, and Ukraine Country Manager, Joel Montgomery, to the upcoming ISOA Ukraine Conference in Warsaw, Poland Sept. 12-14, 2023. Montgomery speaks fluent Russian and has worked in Ukraine for many years.
The two-day conference will cover supporting sustainment and rebuilding in Eastern Europe and Ukraine. Business leaders from several countries will meet to learn more about creating stability in Ukraine.
Continuity is a licensed security firm in Ukraine and other countries in Europe, including Kosovo, Germany, Slovakia, and Luxembourg. Team members have extensive experience both in security operations and working in conflict zones.
“We’re putting our experience to work in support of the Ukrainian People,” explained Continuity CEO Steve Hartsuff. “Our goal is to help support their efforts and help rebuild once the conflict ends.”
Continuity Global Solutions is a defense and government services contractor headquartered in Florida with a global presence in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. Continuity serves the highest levels of the U.S. government and commercial enterprises around the world. Contact Win Scheel for information about our efforts in Ukraine at 254-368-9328.