CGS Kosovo Hosts Students from The Cambridge School – Ferizaj at Camp Bondsteel Event

Continuity Global Solutions, LLC (CGS) On January 6, 2024, CGS Kosovo hosted students from The Cambridge School – Ferizaj at Camp Bondsteel. The students were treated to a Blackhawk helicopter demonstration by the aviation unit as well as an EOD showcase featuring bomb detection dogs. Then the military police presented a K-9 bite work demonstration. Both the students and faculty were thrilled by the demonstrations and enjoyed learning about various aspects of security and work at Camp Bondsteel.

The Cambridge School teaches English as a second language, and the nine students selected to visit Camp Bondsteel were selected for their outstanding achievements at the English Plus 3 level. They were able to practice their language skills both in one-on-one conversations and during the planned presentations.

“We are indebted to the leadership at Camp Bondsteel for their part in hosting students from The Cambridge School at Ferizaj,” said Continuity Program manager Gordon Pullen. “The event left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of all the children who were fortunate enough to be part of this memorable event. The visit will be a cherished memory that they will undoubtedly carry with them for years to come.”

The visit was both educational and a way to further deepen ties between the installation and the people of Kosovo. Over the course of its contract, CGS Kosovo has made sustained investments in the future of Camp Bondsteel and Kosovo at large, including events like this.

“We hope that watching these top-notch security professionals working with exciting technology inspires the kids to do well in school and consider what is possible with the right language skills,” said Continuity CEO Steve Hartsuff. “Our commitment to Camp Bondsteel means we are deeply committed to supporting that mission, the local community, and the people of Kosovo.”

Continuity Global Solutions is a defense and government services contractor headquartered in the U.S. with a global presence in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East. Continuity serves the highest levels of U.S. government and commercial enterprises around the world.