Continuity News

US Army Exercises Option Year Two of Armed Security Guard (ASG) Services Contract with Continuity at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo

Chantilly, VA — Continuity Global Solutions announced today that the US Army has exercised option year two of their Armed Security Guard (ASG)

ContinuityWinsCAGs-CSTIDIQ Contract Securing Overseas Locations for the U.S. Department of State

Chantilly, VA—Continuity Global Solutions, LLC has won a Cleared American Guards (CAGs) and Construction Surveillance Technicians (CST)

U.S. Navy Engages Continuity for a 4th Year on Security Contract in El Salvador

Falls Church, VA—Continuity Global Solutions, LLC announces that the U.S. Navy has extended its security contract at CSL Comalapa in El Salvador for a

Continuity to Provide Local Guard Force Services for US Mission in Fiji

Falls Church, VA — Continuity Global Solutions, LLC today announced a new Local Guard Force (LGF) contract with the US Department of State. Continuity